Connectviet passes the 3CX interop test with V18 and is now a 3CX Preferred SIP Trunk

Our Vietnamese customers and resellers can now use Connectviet as their SIP Trunk of choice with 3CX V18 installations.
Connectviet successfully passed the extensive 3CX interoperability test and has been given the “3CX Preferred” stamp. So the SIP Trunk is not only supported but in 3CX’s preferred list too. This means that the 3CX team will test Connectviet with all future releases and updates of their communications system.
SIP is the backbone for internet telephony and without a reliable and scalable SIP Trunk provider you will find that your communications system will not be able to operate to its full abilities and save you the money you expect it to.
Check out our plans and pricing and start saving on telco costs today!